How Invertis encourages self-made female entrepreneurs?

In the past decade, India has seen a huge wave of entrepreneurs taking the market by storm. However, in the world of business, there are still not many women. The reason behind this is the century-old patriarchal mindset that doesn’t consider women to be good businesspeople. Here is how Invertis University is teaching, nurturing, and growing its female students’ entrepreneurial spirit:


If we want female students to come up with million-dollar ideas and then gather up the motivation and courage to turn their ideas into a successful business, it is important to foster their curiosity. In order to mold and shape an active and curious brain requires widespread exploration of new things, people, experiences, and ideas. Invertis University organizes seminars, workshops, and conferences regularly to ensure that students are exposed to the latest technologies and ideas. Having the right knowledge pushes them into getting their brains working, taking alternative paths, and working outside their comfort zones.

Communication skills

An important part of entrepreneurship is communicating. It is important to discuss this with future entrepreneurs so that they are able to expand their business. Students are taught how to talk about their products intelligently. Whether the students are selling a product or a service, they will have to be skilled at promoting the brand. They have to learn how to initiate conversations and become confident in talking to strangers. 


At Invertis University, female students are encouraged to try different things and experiment. We teach them that it is okay to make mistakes and make imperfect things, as long as you learn from them. All the great visionaries, leaders, and entrepreneurs have a long history of mistakes and failures. Before Walt Disney came up with Mickey Mouse, he filed for bankruptcy. He is just one of the many successful people who had to go through a lot of mistakes, disappointments, and failures before getting their big break.

The right skills

The faculty at Invertis University helps the students find their interests and passions and teaches them how to make a successful career. Whether you are interested in selling or creating, the university will help you hone your skills and market them. Students often have talks with professors about their ideas and interests. 


Through Invertis University, students will have access to the alumni network. Students can use this to find the right mentor. The Alumni Association of Invertis University is very active and alumni are always ready to help shape the young minds. Female students can find the right mentor for them and learn about business from the experts.

The best way to encourage self-made female entrepreneurs is by giving them a role model and mentor. Everything that they need to make it in the world of business is available at Invertis University. All they need to do is take the first step.
