Essential skills of a teacher in today's age (education and skills)

Essential skills of a teacher in today's age (education and skills)

Teachers play a vital role in building a nation. Students from kindergarten to master degrees spend most of their time with their teachers whether it is studies, sports, project or research. While parents provide basic learning, teachers take on the responsibility of shaping the life and future of the students. Since the ancient age, "Guru" is given the most revered status after the parents and rightly so for they leave a lasting impression on the minds of their disciples whether it is with their knowledge, compassion/ patience.

The teaching profession was previously limited to jobs in government/ private schools however in recent years the teaching world has grown in leaps and bounds. Blackboards are passe and online classrooms are the new fashion in teaching. A learning management system enables students and teachers to connect synchronously and virtual classrooms to help to distribute content and help to implement class management procedures and student assessment methods easily.

Since we have established that the teaching profession today has moved on from the traditional methods, let us look at the education and essential skills that are necessary to become a successful teacher in today's modern world. Education of the teachers is the first and foremost skill that is a requisition to become a teacher. While previously teachers were required to complete their bachelor's degree in arts and proceed to pursue Bachelor's in education degree, the integrated course of B.A. + B.ED seems to be the most popular among the aspirants.

Invertis University has a full time integrated course for four years. The curriculum is designed to provide exposure to the students on both the theoretical and practical subjects. Theoretical subjects comprise of social science, foundations of education, and the pedagogy of school subjects. The practical subjects include the tasks and functions of a school teacher. The curriculum enables the students to prepare themselves for the teaching of Upper primary and secondary stages of education. This integrated course is an excellent blend of the basic degree course and the vital concepts of the teaching course. 

Education plays a vital role in preparing the teachers to start their profession but it is their ideas, beliefs, and values that enable them to make a lasting impression on their pupils. Apart from an excellent education becoming a teacher also requires some other essential skills too. 

Students from all backgrounds enter a classroom and the teachers are required to handle them for an entire day and this would require an enormous amount of patience. 

Each student is different with their capabilities, the teacher must have the adaptation skills to ensure all students understand the concepts taught in the class.

Irrespective of the age of the students' subjects can get boring and it is up to the teachers to use their imagination and create new and exciting ways to teach their students and ensure that they stay interested in the subject.

A teacher who can communicate concisely and to the point is always the most popular. 

Last but not least a teacher leaves a lasting impression on a child's mind and is very important that they set a good example. Mentoring those students that need a little extra time goes a long way in shaping up the student's life.

Teachers in today's age are required to be tech-savvy apart from the soft skills and excellent educational background. Commitment, responsibility, and leadership skills of the teachers go along way in making them the most successful teachers.
